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Pune, Maharashtra, India
I am a travel industry professional with more than 20 years experience in various verticals of the travel and tourism industry.

  AIRPORT LOUNGES  Are they really useful ?

Reached the airport much in advance, check in , immigration and security all cleared and then you realise that the boarding time of the flight is still 2 hours away !!


 You are at the airport and before boarding the flight, you  have some urgent emails to send or a quick modification to a presentation needs to be done or a few minor changes need to be done to the proposal you are preparing, you need a comfortable and quite place to sit and work.


Reached destination airport after a long flight and you just need a place to have nice shower and a place to relax for some time with a hot cup of coffee and some light snack so that you are fresh to start work immediately


Need to finish a call before boarding the flight and you need a quiet place for it, can’t do it in the departure area where there is too much noise around


Tired after a hectic day at work and before you board a long flight you need some "Me" space to relax, maybe have a glass of beer to cool off and release the tensions of the day

In all the above scenarios , What do you do ? Where do you go ?


The place to go to in the airport in any of the above instances is the Airport Lounge !!


What is the Lounge in the airport and where is it located ?

Lounge is designated area after check in and security and after immigration (in case of international departure) where not all the passengers have access and entry is restricted to a privileged few!! It’s a quiet enclosed area with comfortable seating , light snacks, tea/coffee/juices and also alcoholic drinks plus newspapers, magazines , high speed internet. Some Lounges also have a small shower area where you can have a quick shower and get fresh before the flight or before exiting the airport.

Most  domestic and international airports in India have one or several lounges depending on the number of passengers it handles.

In many foreign countries, airlines  (for Example Lufthansa , Emirateshave their own special lounges for their customers, but again for a few selected customers booked in a special class of booking. Lounges for Business class passengers are also very common where passengers booked in business class get free access to such lounges located in domestic or International terminals. 

In India lounges are there in all major domestic and international airports. Like International airports, there are lounges reserved for Business class passengers only.

But there are other kinds of lounges also where passengers traveling in economy class can get access either because they are members of Frequent Flyer programmes of selected airlines or they hold certain credit cards  which allow them access and if the above two are not there in your case, you can always pay and enter in any lounge.

Most Credit card holders in India who have Mastecard   Visa Amex Diners Club franchised cards of any public sector or private bank are eligible for lounge access with number of entries per year depending on the card terms and conditions. Wait -  Most entry level credit cards dont have this. The privilege of access to airport lounges is reserved for cards like Platinum / Signature/ Millennia / Diners Club/ Elite/ Infinity/ Prime etc etc, basically cards which are given to selected high net worth customers of the bank. There are also co branded credit cards which are issued with the co branding of an airline. Such cards also offer free lounge access.

Certain Debit cards also give the holder access to airport lounges. 

In the case of both Credit and Debit cards, please do check with the card issuing bank about Lounge access - you will be surprised to know that you already had access but did not use it !!

Now what about passengers who are not eligible with either of the above two criteria ? 

Dont worry, you can always pay and enter any lounge in any airport - domestic or international. Lounge entry fees in India typically range from Rs. 800 per person in smaller airports like Amritsar, Chandigarh, Indore to 1500 to 2800 per person in bigger airports like New Delhi , Mumbai, Bengaluru etc. Some lounges also have sleeping pods which can be booked at a nominal additional cost.

To use Encalm  lounges in New Delhi airport in both the domestic (T1)  and international terminal (T3), pricing starts at Rs. 1900 for domestic terminal and Rs. 3100 for the lounge in the International terminal. Cost includes 2 hour use of lounge facilities including tea/coffee, snacks, wifi.  

 Aviserv Lounge in Mumbai International  Airport has starting price at INR 2773 plus taxes including 2 hours use , sleeping pod, shower, meal and wifi!!

 For frequent travelers especially if it involves international travel , its beneficial to take a Priority Pass membership or sign up for Plaza Premium Lounge . Priority Pass also has manages a lot of lounges in domestic terminals in India.

 Compared to the cost of an international or most domestic tickets in India, the cost of the lounge access (in case you are not among the privileged few who have free access) is quite nominal and absolutely worth the price you pay for.  

 So next time you are at the airport and have a LOT of time before boarding or have some work to quickly finish before the flight you know where to go!!


Happy Lounging!!





  1. Excellent information👍

  2. Great.... Quite informative 👍🏻thanks dear

  3. Very informative

  4. Yes i did the same when I was at Istanbul Airport in transit, I was travelling economy but used business lounge by paying just 20 USD and I was allowed to use all facilities for 4 hours I used computer, shower, liquor ,lunch then I realised if I would have done all this sitting outside business lounge one sandwich would have cost me Usd 5 plus liquor would have cross the bill of Usd 30 so business lounge offer was cheaper and you get quality people around you and no chances of theft of any personal items keeping open


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